How to be More Inclusive in the Workplace – TaskUs Shares Thoughts on DEI with HR Media People Matters

Published on April 12, 2022

From culture to HR policies to allyship networks, organizations committed to their DEI efforts will witness a sustained progress in becoming more sensitive and inclusive.

Being open to tough and uncomfortable conversations in a multicultural workplace can generate ideas that can lead to better professional relationships. This is what Ana Marfil, Senior Director for Global Diversity & Inclusion at TaskUs, shared with Singapore-based HR media platform People Matters, a new-age, niche media organization with a vision to be a pivotal thought leader in the arena of people and work.

“We all share a common humanity but our culture, upbringing, and circumstances shape how we experience things. As has been repeatedly said the past two years, we may be experiencing the same storm but we are not on the same boat. Not shying away from difficult conversations can provide leaders insight on how to support their people,” said Marfil.

She further highlighted the importance of involving minority communities every step of the way when it comes to implementing DE&I strategies. “No matter how earnest our intentions are, the lived experiences of people from minority groups remain the best way to do things right.”

Read more here: TaskUs on People Matters about Overcoming cultural tokenism: How can workplaces become more sensitive and inclusive?


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