
Solving a Fintech Company’s CSAT and Quality Challenges


Solving a Fintech Company’s CSAT and Quality Challenges


How a FinTech Company Boosted CSAT by Nearly 40%

Fintech’s innovative nature often leads to rapid growth, but a leading card-issuing company was overwhelmed by a high volume of new users. A surge in adoption caused a surge in customer inquiries.

The company turned to outsourcing to solve the problem but the vendor made the problem worse. A  one-size-fits-all customer support model led to process and service errors.

Looking for a solution more tailored to both financial services and its unique business needs, the company replaced the previous partner with TaskUs.

Find out how our dedicated digital customer experience service team, 24/7 multilingual customer support, automated dispute management solutions and risk and response services improved KPIs significantly and quickly.

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    Solving a Fintech Company’s CSAT and Quality Challenges


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