TaskUs Makes TED debut at TEDxCali, Discusses Importance of Bilingualism in Colombia

Published on December 6, 2022

CALI, Colombia (December 6, 2022) – TaskUs (Nasdaq: TASK), a provider of outsourced digital services and next-generation customer experience to fast-growing technology companies, joined today its first-ever TEDx event held at the Comfandi Cultural Center.

Dubbed as TEDxCali “Fluency,” the event drew participants from Cali and nearby cities and municipalities. It featured industry leaders in Cali who talked about the benefits of bilingualism to Colombians. 

Beatriz Viveros, TaskUs Senior Recruitment Manager in Colombia talked about The TaskUs Language Academy–the company’s own English program–and how it helped jobseekers improve their English skills and enter the customer service industry.

“Bilingualism is considered a highly valued skill in the outsourcing industry. And many organizations, including TaskUs, have come together to create programs that help strengthen the English-speaking and -writing skills of Cali’s workforce, especially the youth. TaskUs is committed to Caleños in improving their job readiness in line with the company’s goal of creating more meaningful and purposeful work,” Viveros said.

“This is how at TEDxCali 'Fluency' we will explore the power of bilingualism to make the world bigger, better, more exciting and with more opportunities.  From their visions the speakers will inspire us with their ideas to make this world possible,” said Carlos Libreros, TEDxCali Leader.

Colombia has seen the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry gaining ground. According to the market research firm Frost & Sullivan, the country has already captured about 13.1% of the total BPO sales in South America. This uptick signifies how English, as a second language, is pivotal to providing more employment opportunities to Colombians. 

The Art of Fluency: TaskUs’ Language Academy

As a global company that started its operations in Cali in March 2021 in a 100% work-from-home setup, TaskUs has already posted numerous wins through its Language Academy, which has approximately 200 graduates as of November 2022 with more than half successfully getting a career at TaskUs. 

Academy lessons revolve around two significant aspects of communication: technical skills, which include vocabulary and pronunciation, and conversational skills, which tackle active listening and establishing trust and empathy. The program is free and held virtually. 

Viveros also shared the story of Ariakna Ardilla, an aspiring TaskUs applicant who got turned down on her first try but was given the opportunity to join the program to improve her English language skills and was successfully able to reapply for the position. From being a teammate, she has worked her way up to be a part of the Recruitment team.

Aside from TaskUs’ Beatriz Viveros, Maria Isabel Ulloa, Director of Pro Pacifico; Manolo Constain Villa, Investment Manager at Invest Pacific; and Carlos Montoya, Chief of Education at Comfandi, also held their own discussions about bilingualism during the TEDxCali event.

TEDx is a program initiated by a group of citizens to bring a TED-like experience of inspiring the people of the region to change their lives, their future and the world, doing different things within the community, to make Cali a better place.

For those who are interested to learn about the exciting roles at TaskUs, you may visit this link, or you can sign up here to read more about The Art of Fluency program.

To learn more about TaskUs, visit https://www.taskus.com or follow these social media accounts:

About TaskUs

TaskUs (Nasdaq: TASK) TaskUs is a provider of outsourced digital services and next-generation customer experience to fast-growing technology companies, helping its clients represent, protect and grow their brands. Leveraging a cloud-based infrastructure, TaskUs serves clients in the fastest-growing sectors, including social media, e-commerce, gaming, streaming media, food delivery and ridesharing, HiTech, FinTech, and HealthTech. As of September 30, 2022, TaskUs had approximately 48,700 employees across twenty-eight locations in fourteen countries, including the United States, the Philippines, and India.


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